What is Intuitive Eating?

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I’ve seen a few posts lately saying intuitive eating doesn’t make sense because all they’d eat is endless amounts of junk food.

That’s not intuitive eating, that’s addictive disordered eating.

Intuition isn’t gluttonous. Intuition knows when enough is enough. Intuition guides us to health, not disease.

Yes, there needs to be care around this when people begin. Especially with all of the disordered eating patterns that people have acquired through our society via misinformation from a food and medical industry that cares more about profit than it does about people’s health (the industry as a whole, not the many amazing individuals trying to make a positive difference).

Intuitive eating is really about eating natural whole foods (food that grows in nature and isn’t man-made) then removing the blocks that our society gives us so that we can actually feel our body’s natural signals of when to eat, how much to eat, when to fast, when to skip a meal, when to have a larger meal, and so on.

Structure, like intermittent fasting, can be very helpful initially to learn how to listen to your body, but eventually, you want to get to a place where you’re just listening to your body’s calls to guide you towards optimal health.

This flows into intuitive living as a whole – listening to those internal nudges for when to workout, when to rest, when to get out into nature, when to ground on the earth, when to meditate, when to drink more water (practically always haha), when to breath more deeply, what foods will serve you most when you go shopping, which business idea to apply, which hard conversation to have.. everything.

Yes, discipline helps a lot in the beginning, but once you’ve broken those chains holding you back and began to master your mind, you can begin to listen to your inner knowing above all else.

It’s a constant process of self-reflection as it takes months if not years to get back to our own natural way of being, how humans were living naturally in the wild only a few thousand years ago (which is nothing in evolutionary terms).

What’s your experience with intuitive eating and living? Did you find it worked for you? Keen to hear your experiences below!

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