The Methods Are Many, The Principles Are Few

A great lesson in life is to never be overly dogmatic in any particular subject, especially health and wellness.

There is often more than one way to get things done.

The internet is filled with far too many health gurus who have got excited after reading a couple of books on a particular diet that’s been working for them for 6 months, a year, or even just 5 years.

They then tell everyone else that it is the only way to eat for every human being in every situation, environment, time of life etc. I urge people to hold up on getting too fixated on one particular philosophy, especially so quickly.

There is so much evidence and real life examples either proving or contradicting every single dietary philosophy out there.

You can literally find a tonne of scientific studies to prove just about anything – that’s how the entire processed food industry is built, by manipulating data to sell products. You can also find millions of people who have succeeded on any particular well known diet, as well as millions who it didn’t work for – even when following it perfectly.

So don’t be so quick to just dismiss or blindly follow anything. Being trapped in a biased dietary mindset can be very dangerous especially if you’re cutting out certain foods that your body may need or eating too much of other foods for your bodies ideal health.

I say this just about every post but at the end of the day, you need to listen to your own body, common sense and instincts above anything external.

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