How Purists Stagnate Growth and Hold Back Progress

There has to be a transition.

No matter what you’re trying to change and improve in this world, steps are required to get to your ultimate outcome.

Thinking that you, others or the world can just completely jump from one point of view to the opposite without gradual steps is to be very out of touch with reality (not that there aren’t exceptions of course).

With most matters in life, when your perspective is an extreme on either side of the scale, you’re probably missing the full picture.

You see it especially in the health world, where health purists constantly put down others for their diets not being perfect or being different to their philosophy.

We should instead support others for the progress they’ve already made, encourage their next steps without being dogmatic, see the similarities we already have and work together to find the best solution for everyone.

We need to remove these ideas of separation that hold us back and come to a worldview of oneness. We’re all living here on the same planet and are from the same species.

We need to support the positive gradual steps others are taking and not project our own beliefs on how they should be living their lives.

Even if you believe passionately about something, hating on someone for doing the opposite is never going to change their mind. It’s only going to create resentment and cognitive dissonance, stopping them from ever hearing your view.

By being more compassion and understanding to others we can truly start to make gigantic progress towards a better world for us all.

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