How will you be remembered when you die?

I wrote this note back on the 14th August and felt it needed to be posted here.

My Grandad’s funeral was yesterday. It was a beautiful service and we’re grateful for the time we had with him.

What the funeral really got me thinking about, is what I’d be remembered for when I die? (more than usual haha)

It’s something we all need to truly consider and have in the back of our minds in our day to day lives.

What impact have you made? What is your legacy? What will you be remembered for? Did you go after your dreams? Did you truly live? Will millions miss you when you’re gone or will nobody be able to tell the difference?

At your funeral, will they talk about you being a ‘normal person’ who lived a ‘normal life’ or will they talk about the lives you’ve impacted? The passion you lived with? How much better the world was because you were here? Nothing is right or wrong, we all have different goals and as long as you’re following your heart that’s all that matters. But I personally feel that everyone, when they look deep down (and remove the fear/self doubt/limiting beliefs), have a burning desire to do great things, to make an impact in this world in a dramatic way through what they love doing. 

Death is truly a beautiful thing, it makes every moment we have special. It makes each of us unique. It gives way for the new, for growth, evolution and progress. 

In life we tend to go through the motions, life gets busy, and instead of designing a life we can get caught up in day to day living. It’s a good idea to reflect and ask yourself these questions each day and truly start taking actions to design the life you want, the legacy and impact you want to leave behind.

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