Focus On the Root Cause Not the Symptom

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I lost my mum to cancer, so I educated people on natural health.

I had no energy, so I cleaned up my lifestyle – instead of having more coffee.

I was depressed, so I found purpose.

I felt alone, so I worked on myself until I didn’t feel alone anymore – then found love.

I see tyranny and deception in the world, so I share what I believe to be the truth – instead of pretending it’s not happening or hoping someone else will speak up.

In every aspect of life, find and focus on the root cause of your problem.

Rather than focusing on the symptoms and popping another pill or putting a band-aid on it.

If you see something you don’t like and want to change, don’t attack the individual expressing it.

Work to educate the world on why it needs to be changed, share a new perspective, and create something to fix it.

If you’d like to build the self-discipline to change the root cause of your problems, download my free checklist.

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