Book Launch: How to Build Powerful SELF-Discipline

In my fasting post last week I mentioned that I’d written a short book in 4 days ..

Well, 5 days later (15 days since its inception) .. here it is!

I’ve written this for men, for my brothers who are sick of not being all they can be.

  • Who see the f#@ked up things happening in the world & want to make an impact in their own unique way (I believe we all have something to offer the world and if we all do our part, that’s how we can change it).
  • Who are sick of being controlled by their limitations, fears, addictions, and distractions and are ready to take control.
  • Who want to build insane levels of self-discipline in every aspect of their lives.
  • Who are searching for meaning & purpose in their lives but feel lost and don’t know where to find it.

Who are ready to be Natural Warriors for the Earth.


This is not just a book though, it’s a complete program:

  • eBook
  • Audiobook
  • Workbook with reflection questions
  • Health Guide
  • Action Checklist
  • Habit Tracker
  • 30-90 Day Plan
  • Plus many additional resources

As well as systems and structures so that you can actually implement the philosophy covered.

It’s designed to make you the most disciplined powerful version of you.

I teach you all of the philosophies, mindsets, principles, and daily practices that have served me the most and that I’ve personally used to transform my life (as well as help increase the quality of many of my brothers lives along the way).

I didn’t want to write a long book filled with bs details you don’t need to know, I wrote it to get you results and not waste your time.

💥 Launch Week special 50% off until October 28th at 11:59pm (or the first 50 orders).

Use Code: LAUNCH

Click Here to Check it Out.

(And yes my branding is for my brothers, but sisters are welcome and can benefit too.. all except semen retention haha 😉)

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