About Natural Warrior

Welcome Brother.

My name is Greg Madder.

I’m the founder of Natural Warrior.

For over 20 years I’ve been obsessed with how to master the human mind and body, to create freedom in every aspect of life – Mental, Physical, Financial, and Spiritual.

It’s something I’ve always felt inspired to learn.

Even from when I was a kid and won the ‘Most Dedicated’ award at Karate, and from my obsession with basketball when I was young.

The most challenging thing I’ve ever had to go through though was losing my Mum at 18 years old to cancer.

Her passing and the lessons that came with are some of the biggest drivers for what I do.

I’ve done some crazy difficult things in my life like a 44-day fast, digging myself out of a deep depressive and suicidal hole after years of failure, breaking free of many addictions (drugs, alcohol, video games), and building a full-time income online.

It’s my mission to help empower men to become more disciplined, powerful versions of themselves by teaching them what I’ve learned so that they can become Natural Warriors for the Earth and impact the world in their own unique way.

I’ve been practicing most of the strategies and habits I teach for over 10 years, so I’m speaking from experience when I say that consistency will change your life.

Some of the benefits I’m continuing to get from these practices now are insane and getting stronger year by year.

This isn’t to brag, but to impress upon you how important this is.

  • I stay lean with abs all year round with very little effort required – when it used to be near impossible for me in my early 20s when smashing heavy workouts almost every day.
  • I wake up buzzing with energy, clarity, and ideas flowing almost every day – when I used to barely be able to get out of bed.
  • I have the relationship of my dreams with my soulmate because of the man that I’ve become from doing the work – when I used to struggle with deep insecurity.
  • I’m deeply connected to my purpose and who I truly am – when I used to fantasize about suicide because I felt like my life had no meaning.
  • I have a rich network of incredible like-minded friends who I adore – when I used to feel so disconnected and like nobody in my world ‘got me’.
  • I live by the beach while making a full-time income online doing what I love. Life is fucking good.

And this is what I want to teach you how to do.

All of this and more are available to you.

Take the knowledge on this website seriously and it will change your life.

It’s an honor to have you here brother.

-Greg Madder
Business and Mindset Coach
Holistic Nutritionist


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