In general, the masses don’t have too many results in life. There are more and more people waking up, but overall at the moment most people are unhappy, unfulfilled, unhealthy and not in the financial position they choose. So a great general rule is to watch what the masses are doing, then do the opposite.
The masses are just paying the bills and not working on their passion, the masses don’t have truly loving uplifting relationships, the masses get messed up on alcohol just to escape their unfulfilled lives (balance and conscious personal choice is fine), the masses are unhealthy and the majority of the food they eat is killing them, most people spend their whole year looking forward to a couple of weeks of holidays, and wait an entire lifetime to win the lottery.
I’m not hating on anyone, I’m just saying too many people don’t consciously choose what they want because they were brought up in a system that doesn’t have their best interests at heart, and end up being unfulfilled with their lives which is tough to watch. You as an individual have the choice right now to take control of your life, and together we can help educate people to become the best version of themselves and live meaningful fulfilling lives that they don’t need to escape from!